Proud to be part of this wonderful compilation of electronic music with proceeds to charities for Japan aid.
“Out of the Bush” was the included track from Cityscapes. More information below quoted from the Electro Freaks website. Please do what you can. Best,
– Pedro (aka Fetal Pulse)
“The Electro Freaks are deeply saddened by the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan. We’re all searching for ways to help in this time of need, and we realized we have an entire global community of artists and fans to whom we can reach out. So, we organized Electro Freaks Present Vol 3 in just 1 week as a tribute album and fundraiser for Japan. EFP Vol 3: For Japan compiles an eclectic collection of over 2 hours of music: 28 songs from 28 artists, representing 9 countries worldwide.”
Thanks for supporting EFP Vol 3 and our fundraiser for Japan disaster relief. Here’s how you can help and receive your free download of the album:
- Donate directly to support Japan disaster relief at your favorite charity. Here are a few suggested links, but feel free to donate however you see fit.Please note: Even if you have previously donated, we encourage you to donate again to support this fundraiser.
- American Red Cross: http://american.redcross.org/
- Japanese Red Cross: http://www.jrc.or.jp/english/
- British Red Cross: http://www.redcross.org.uk/
- Please tell us how you much donated below. (All responses will be kept anonymous; we just want to know how much we helped raise for Japan!)
- After you submit this survey, you will get a link to a free and immediate download EFP Vol 3 tout-de-suit. So don’t close this window!
- We thank you and Japan thanks you!
Check our Facebook page for updates on the fundraiser. (Why not become a fan while you’re at it?)
Sincerest thanks,
The Electro Freaks Admins, Artists, & Community